Relevant categories: Dining Sets,Dining Tables
Please let us know if you have any questions on shipping or require a quote >>
We can ship these goods to anywhere in the world. We appreciate some of the goods are very big and of high value - but we have many years (50 plus) experience shipping vaulable antiques and the like all around the world. Hence we will make sure your goods arrive safetly and in perfect condition - it's in our interest to make sure this happens.
For many of our US customers we can ship on a consolidated container which can reduce shipping costs dramatically. A consolidated container is a shipping container containing goods from multiple consigners that will be delivered to multiple recipients. Hence if you are in no immdiate rush this type of shipping can be cheaper as you have to wait until the container is full before it ships - shipping is via sea freight so depending on where you are located in the United States shipping will take any time from 3-12 weeks. Consolidated containers are also good for larger orders, ie if you are a customer or interior designer who'd like to furnish a whole house (our favourite type of customer!).
(Canonbury Antiques - we can ship to anywhere in the US (and rest of world))
Many of our customers are happy to take this option to help reduce the overall costs. It also makes sense when shipping large batches of goods. Of course if it's a smaller piece - for eg porcelain vases, a smaller bronze or silver plate candelabras etc etc - we can use faster carriers like DHL or UPS and the shipping can take anywhere from 1-4 days depending on service (and cost) used.
All of our goods are sent insured and will be professionally packed or crated if required. As I mentioned earlier it's in our interest to 100% ensure that the goods arrive in perfect condition. Of course we can also quote air freight on larger goods if time is of the essence and the cost is less imporant.
(Smaller pieces such as these Blue and White Chinese porcelain urns can go via DHL or UPS)
Our consolidated containers ship every 3-4 weeks and end up at our US partners hub in Atlanta from where they will be delivered via the final part of the journey, overland on the continental US. The actual delivery US side is handled by RNL Carriers ( ) and they will issue the tracking number for final delivery.
We appreciate the shipping process can be lengthy but we are here to help throughout the journey. We have literally shipped to every corner of the planet - Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, Canada, all over Europe, China, Russia, nowhere is too far. And nothing is too big - 16 foot bronze fountains, large antique dining sets, commmodes, architectural antiques - don't be shy and let us know what you need.
Of course, all of these goods are available to view in our Canonbury Hertfordshire antiques showroom conveniently located just 20 minutes north of London so let us know if you would like to come in and view anything. Our specialities are classic English dining furniture, art deco furniture, French antiques, bronzes, porcelain, architectural and interiors.
Here are some video's from the Canonbury Antiques YouTube Channel you might like. The first shows you how we professionally pack our antique goods:
Here are some tours of our showroom, the second one shows our architectural antiques section outside for bronze fountains, sculptures, architectural bronzes, cast iron benches, marble carvings, stone urns and anything else that's too big for inside:
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