As shown in: Bureau Bookcases, Georgian Bookcases, Bookcases
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Piece: 1621920386
Price: £ 1995
USD: ($2630)
Piece Description
Elegant Georgian style bureau bookcase in walnut Nice design, quite thin so spacesaving Glazed top great for storing books Desk section opens out in middle to reveal writing surface and cubby holes Offered in great condition, ready for home use right away - Please let us know if you would like to view this piece in our Canonbury Antiques Herts showroom, just 25 minutes north of London - Offered in great shape ready for home use right away We ship to every corner of the planet - please get in touch for a shipping quote Dimensions in Inches (CM) : Width x Depth x Height 30.5 (77) x 22 (56) x 88 (223) H
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Articles that mention this Piece
The Georgian bureau bookcase is a worthy inclusion in any home’s interior décor, introducing a retro theme to your space. It is also highly functional for storing books and stationery. You can find one in-store or online at an antique store.The Georgian bureau bookcase is a worthy inclusion in any home’s interior décor, introducing a retro theme to your space. It is also highly functional for storing books and stationery. You can find one in-store or online at an antique store.
You can buy an antique bureau bookcase to decorate your interior space. It is excellent for storing books or displaying art pieces. Besides, the bureau bookcase is an elegant furniture piece that can create a fantastic centerpiece. If you’re looking for an antique bureau case to buy, don’t hesitate to check out the collection!
Do you want to decorate your home with a valuable antique from the Georgian era? The antique bureau bookcase can create the perfect centerpiece in any room and provide ample storage space. Its design involved the combination of the bureau and the bookcase? So, what exactly is an antique bureau bookcase? This article explores the terms ‘bureau’ and ‘bookcase’ and how the two came to represent one furniture piece.
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