As shown in: Landscape Oil Paintings, Oil Paintings
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Piece: 1726077118
Price: £ 1850
USD: ($2420)
Piece Description
You are viewing a gorgeous antique German Expressionist oil painting of a canal scene This piece is a copy of the original by German artist Hein Hoppmann Very atmospheric treatment of the scene with the expressionist brushwork Believed to be based on the Berlin canal and we date this piece to circa 1940 Comes in the gilt frame Hein Hoppmann (1901-1982) was a German Expressionist painter born in Rheinberg in 1901. He studied in Essen, Krefeld, and Munich The levels of craftsmanship - details and colours on the silk screens are superb, the work of a talented crafts person Offered in great shape ready for home use right away We ship to every corner of the planet - please get in touch for a shipping quote v Dimensions in inches (CM): Width x Depth x Height 37 (93) x 3 (7) x 32 (81)
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