As shown in: Landscape Oil Paintings, Oil Paintings
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Piece: 1726075126
Price: £ 1150
USD: ($1500)
Piece Description
You are viewing a period Victorian oil painting of a Suffolk landscape The piece reminds us of works by the artist John Constable and this piece is in that style The artist has created an idyllic scene of pastoral beauty and timelessness A man lounges in the left of the frame, to the centre is a cottage and over this presides the church steeple It reminds us of halcyon days past, simpler times in the English countryside We date this to circa 1870 and it comes in the gorgeous and original gilt frame We do not know the name of the artist but it's clearly one of great skill looking at the brushwork intricacy Offered in great shape ready for home use right away We ship to every corner of the planet - please get in touch for a shipping quote Dimensions in inches (CM): Width x Depth x Height 29 (73) x 2 (5) x 17 (43) country scene 1870
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