As shown in: Seascape and Maritime, Oil Paintings
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Piece: 1727458202
Price: £ 5750
USD: ($7510)
Piece Description
You are viewing a large Victorian oil painting of an English coastal scene in the county of Norfolk The piece is huge - over six feet wide / 193 CM Such an atmospheric piece with the moody Turneresque skies In the foreground fishermen and woman assemble with their baskets, perhaps they are cockle pickers? There is also a sailboat to the right landed on the beach We are not sure of the exact artist but it is one of talent looking at the brushwork and overall atmosphere the piece creates Comes in the gilt frame which is original to the circa 1860 piece We bought this from a private house in London's Knightsbridge Please fire away with any questions or enquiries Offered in great shape ready for home use right away We ship to every corner of the planet - please get in touch for a shipping quote Dimensions are in inches (CM) Width x Depth x Height 76 (193) x 6 (15) x 54 (137)
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