Pair Grand Tour Obelisks Marble Pietra Dura
These are based in the USA where we will ship from Wonderful pair of antique Italian Grand...
Large English Stone Garden Urn on Pedestal Plinth Classic Architectural
Gorgeous English stone garden urn on pedestal plinth base Good size to this architectural ...
Large Bronze Atlas Male Figurine Statues Architectural - 8 ft tall - 241 CM Classic
- Absolutely amazing pair of giant Atlas figures - Stand in at 8 feet tall - 241 CM - so a...
Lifesize Bronze Three Graces Statue Female Nude Greek Figurine
- Stunning bronze statue of the famous Three Graces from Greek and Roman mythology - Lifes...
Pair Cast Iron Urns - Garden Campana Urn English Victorian Stands
- Stunning pair of English Victorian style cast iron urns on stands - Classic campana shap...