Relevant categories: Bronzes,Fountains and Garden
(Above photo - Italian Bronze Fountain - Large Classical Maiden Garden Water Feature )
Having a beautiful home is much more than just a good interior décor. It also involves having a good garden outside your house. As such, you should have some decorative plants, including flowers and other ornamental herbs right before you enter the house. Besides, having large bronze fountains can greatly complement the other elements in your garden. Large bronze fountains feature the classical style and could represent the French-style or Italian renaissance fountain style. Having one of these in your garden would help you achieve the same look as they have in some of the classical European palaces. The bronze fountains feature depictions of Neptune, cherubs, maidens, satyrs, and nymphs. With these fountains dotting the space outside your home, you will always have something for your visitors to appreciate.
How to Protect Bronze Fountains from Deterioration
Bronze fountains cannot serve their purpose without interacting with water. Therefore, the quality of the fountain may deteriorate due to the reactions the bronze has with water. For that reason, you need to take measures to protect your bronze fountains from corrosion by some of the elements in the water.
1. Treating the Water with Chemicals
(Above photo - Bronze Cherub Fountain - Classical French Verdis Gris Swan Tiered Base ) The water going into the fountain may have various dissolved minerals that render it hard (or salty). Besides, the water could have unfavorable alkalinity or PH, making it unsuitable for fountain use. As such, the water may leave behind undesired mineral deposits (that looks like a crust) on the surface of the fountain. After accumulating for a long time, the crust may interfere with the general patina of the bronze fountain, making it undesirable to look at. You should, therefore, treat the water to make it conducive to use with your fountain.
2. Waxing the Fountain
(Above photo - Extensive range of large bronze fountains ) You may want to prevent interaction between bronze and water by waxing the surface. In that case, you will need to apply several layers of wax to the bronze fountain to prevent it from rusting. The only bad thing about this method is that the splashing water may erode the wax, exposing the bronze. Therefore, it would be necessary for you to keep applying wax to the surface of the fountain time after time.
3. Chemical or Electrolytic Method
(Above photo - Classical Maiden Fountain - French Bronze Water Feature)
In ancient times, people knew how to take care of their bronze fountains – instead of leaving them at the mercies of the elements, they used the chemical or electrolyte method. As such, they would get rid of all surface matter or patina, returning the fountains to their bright bronze look. However, this method is drastic and may cause pores on the surface of the metal. In some cases, the surface may look unappealing after several applications of this particular method. So, you should be careful if you choose to use this method to maintain the shine of your large bronze fountain.
(Above photo - Pair XL Bronze Fountains - Italian Maiden Statues Garden Plaques ) Large bronze fountains can be great additions to your garden since they can complement and enhance the other natural elements. If you choose to buy one, you should ensure you maintain it using any of the methods above. With that, your fountain will last for long, helping you enjoy its benefits to the maximum.
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