We hope the site is easy to use. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience then please contact us. Wherever you are in the world, we hope the experience of using us is as easy as popping into your local shop.
We appreciate some of these goods can be a large financial investment - that's why we can arrange viewings at our London showroom or at our warehouse in Hertfordshire. Please contact us if you want to view any of our beautiful goods and we will be happy to oblige.
You can browse the various categories and we hope you find what you are looking for. Once you find an item you like you can add it to your cart. You can either continue shopping - and hopefully will buy more items - or check out. Once you have chosen all your goods you can then proceed to the checkout.
If you chose the credit card option, please enter your details in the page. Your details are secure with us as we use a secure server with 128 Bit SSL technology. There is a blank field for shipping in which you can enter the amount (having previously contacted us for a quote) or leave it blank and we will confirm the shipping price BEFORE processing your card.
Items are shipped and delivered once payment is received.
Please note – this a photo of our old showroom, we are currently located just north of London in Hertfordshire.